It’s Friday and Sunday’s Comin’!
Remembering Fall Fare 2005
I was looking through photos on the office computer and came across this FallFare picture from 2005 — it looks quite different from the way I’ve come to know FallFare: there’s no crabapple tree, there appears to be a booth on the front lawn, and there’s no Book Nook in the street! Every year is a little different but we hardly notice the changes from one year to the next.
Suddenly this year is quite different! To reduce the risk of the spread of Covid, FallFare will be about GIVING — giving directly from our financial resources instead of buying ingredients, buying craft supplies and selling to our friends and neighbors. Your generosity — although expressed differently — will still make a huge difference in the lives of many as Each FallFare Dollar is a Gift to Someone in Need!
So Fall Fare is Saturday, October 3. If possible, please make your gifts by that date. You can give one of three ways:
- Send a check payable to NUMC with “FallFare” in the memo line
- Use GIVE NOW button below to give online — just select FallFare 2020 when you make your gift.
- Use the GIVE NOW button on the church website.
NOTE: You can also use the GIVE NOW buttons to set up gifts to the regular, ongoing ministry of the church.
Today commemorates the 19th anniversary of the September 11 tragedy. We remember and honor for the lives of all those who were killed that day.
Blessings always,
Pastor Mary