It’s Friday and Sunday’s Comin’!

Well, it’s been quite a week. We still don’t know the full outcome of the election but we would congratulate those who have been elected and pray for them and encourage them in their leadership roles.
Next week is our country’s annual observance of Veteran’s Day (Wed., Nov. 11) and on Sunday we will lift up in prayer those who have served or are serving in the military. Those folks serve as an example to all of us of what it means to make sacrifices in a cause that seeks to serve the greater good.
One of the things that is noteworthy about elections and military service and Christian discipleship is that a great deal of discipline is involved. Discipline is really practice — do what you’re supposed to do rightly over and over until it becomes second nature. If you stray from that path, you have to be pulled back into the right way, the right path, the right direction. Sometimes trudging along is just what we have to do.
In the midst of this pandemic and time of uncertainty, as Christians we may be tempted to let things go that keep us connected to God at a time when we need them most. We need the spiritual disciplines that keep us wanting and seeking to do God’s will.
Staying connected does not mean that you’ll automatically be right — we are, after all, fallible human beings! But without those disciplines we will definitely get it wrong.
So what am I talking about? The disciplines, or rules for living the Christian life, are summarized in the UM Book of Discipline in a section called the General Rules. Put simply they are (1) Do no harm. (2) Do good. (3) Practice these things:
- public worship (obviously, in the midst of a pandemic public worship often means participating in worship from home but it doesn’t mean not participating at all! — I added that part but I’m sure Wesley would approve);
- the ministry of the Word, read and discussed
- the Supper of the Lord
- family and private prayer
- searching the Scriptures
- fasting or abstinence.
I hope you’ll join me in recommitting yourself to these disciplines.
Hebrews 12 addresses “running the race” with discipline, and in verse 12-13 it says: So strengthen your drooping hands and weak knees! Make straight paths for your feet so that if any part is lame, it will be healed rather than injured more seriously.
Let us not flop along in our Christian walk so as to be injured more seriously, but steadfastly listen to and heed the Spirit of God that will keep us in the right path.
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mary

How have you been reaching with Out-of-the-Building service and love this week? Here’s what some have shared:
- our neighborhood children were not doing Trick’or’Treat so we made individual bags for each of them
- I have been concentrating on “sharing my faith” by sending messages and cards of encouragement, support and thanks. I took dinner to a family in our neighborhood and let them know I pray for them everytime I drive by their house.
- I baked cookies and delivered to the staff in thanksgiving for their care of my mom
- in the midst of a stressful time I took the time to take a friend to the airport
- at the recent UMW gathering, we all called Judy so that she could hear her friends’ voices and so that we could hear hers!
- friends gathered to tend to the process of clearing out the home of a friend who was unable to do it herself. We tried to handle her possessions with love and care.
The church HAS left the building! Most of your time is spent outside the building witnessing to your faith and reaching out with mercy and love. Thanks to all who are willing to share what is happening.

Remember — you can share your stories of caring by going to the church website and clicking the button that says “Share Out-of-the-Building Stories Here” or by emailing or calling Deb Beckinger or Lu Brunnemer. Thank you for serving as the hands and feet of Christ!
We have begun our Winter Worship Schedule:
Sundays 10:30 a.m.
In Person or ONLINE
Use the blue button above.
Sunday school — all groups are meeting via Zoom except the Upper Room class which meets in the basement. We are working to get those links onto the website but for now contact Pastor Mary if you’d like to attend.