It’s Friday and Sunday’s Comin’!

It has been a heavy time this week. All eyes have been turned toward Washington, DC and we have been horrified and troubled — even afraid.
A friend of mine reminded me that when we pray for one person, one situation, one trouble that it is a way of praying for all in the same circumstance. We can’t hold all of it at once — only God can do that. But when you pray for a friend with Covid, you are praying for all those with Covid. When you pray for someone who is grieving, you are praying for all who grieve.
So perhaps we begin in this troubled week by praying for one place — Georgia.
Maybe you are celebrating the election in Georgia; maybe you grieve the election in Georgia. Maybe Georgia represents all of the places that are weary and burdened by the struggles and conflicts of this election. But when we pray for Georgia we lift up all of our feelings of this week — our sadness, our anger and our hopefulness to God.
So here’s a link to the beautiful song, “Georgia.” After all music soothes our souls. This is a bluesy, meditative version of the song sung by Shirley Horn. As you listen hold the people of Georgia in the light of Christ, hold our country in the light, hold our political leaders in the light and pray that God’s will might be done in this difficult time. Let the soothing notes of the song remind you that darkness does not have the power to conquer the light.
Here’s the link to Shirley Horn’s “Georgia.”
Grace and peace in Christ,
Pastor Mary