March 6th

It’s Friday and Sunday’s Comin’!

Ordinary Objects — Extraordinary Grace!

Our Lenten series continues — this week focusing on coins. Where do you place coins — money — as objects that have something to show you about God’s grace? 

Worship online at 10:30 a.m. 
I hope you’ll be there!  

David Phelps will be our song leader and there will be a special handbell solo by Linda Todd!  

Most years we have an UMCOR Sunday — this year we’ll have an UMCOR giving month!  Your March offerings for UMCOR go to support the vital work of our UM relief agency.  Then when disaster strike, 100% of funds given go directly to those in need!  

Give online or send checks to the church and put UMCOR in the memo line. 

Be sure to check your email for the March edition of The Voice on the Village Green! We can’t attach it to this email but it arrives from as an attachment.