May 14th

It’s Friday and Sunday’s Comin’!

This changes everything.   Ever have one of those experiences? There’s a lot that is still familiar but something happens that causes you to re-think your life. Birth of a baby. Loss of a job. Decision to move. A pandemic. Sometimes it’s only in hindsight that you realize that an event or a moment changed everything.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ changed everything. The story of Acts gives us insight into how those first disciples handled the new way of life. They didn’t always like the changes; neither do we. But they trusted that the Holy Spirit knew better than they — and they kept using their imaginations about the best ways to catch up with what the Holy Spirit was doing. 

Join in with worship in-person or online for help from scripture and the faith community about how we respond when God changes everything. 

Blessings always, 
Pastor Mary