August 20th

It’s Friday and Sunday’s Comin’!

Dear Friends,

This photograph tells the story of the fragile way that water comes to many communities in Africa. When the rope comes loose from the bucket, someone has to climb into the well to fix the problem. UM News Service award-winning photographer Mike DuBose took this photo. If you clink the link below you’ll see more photos and get some tips from DuBose about taking photos that tell a story.

One of the things that DuBose says in the video is that the key to photography is “Learning to see light light the way the camera sees light.” I found the comment striking because isn’t that what Jesus says about people and God’s light? We have to learn to see others the way that God sees them. 

In photos and video this week we have seen people desperate to escape Afghanistan. We have seen Haiti devastated with another horrific earthquake. We have seen photos of health care workers begging people to get vaccinated for the good of all. 

Photos tell a powerful story and they remind to see with the eyes of Christ and, in response, to do our part to be the hands and feet of Christ to care for those we see. 

For the international crises, money can help. Checks can be made payable to NUMC and be marked UMCOR for Haiti and also for Global Migration. The United Methodist Church also partners with other organizations like Church World Service and others to accomplish this work.  If you want to know more or give directly, click these links below:

Remember these concerns as you pray: 

For the people of Afghanistan — Lord, we pray you hold them and keep them safe. 
For the people of Haiti — Lord, help them in this time of great need. 
For our service men and women — Lord, watch over them.
For our national leaders – Lord, guide them in their actions. 
For our neighbors — Lord, keep them from harm. 
For ourselves — Lord, give us the will to see others as you see them and to treat them as you would have us do. Thank you always for your mercy and grace. Amen. 

Blessings always, 
Pastor Mary