September 17th

It’s Friday and Sunday’s Comin’!

I’ve been clearing off my book shelves (for Fall Fare, of course!) and I came across a book given to me by mother in 1987 with the inscription, “Happy Mother’s Day — because you have made being a mother such a happy experience for me! Love, Mom.” My mother was certainly my biggest fan and it brought tears to my eyes to think of her. 

The book is a book of poems and prayers and photos entitled Images:  Women in Transition, ed. by Janice Grana (the book is not going to Fall Fare; sorry). Even though some of the book seems dated now, I remember finding some of the poems on motherhood to be very meaningful. Now I’m more drawn to the poems on life’s transitions and aging — haha. One of them is both amusing and poignant: 

Keep Me Whistlin’ 

I’ve heard the first call of the robins
for more than eighty years. 
     And yet, today, 
     hearing them once again,
     makes me want to sing. 
(Can’t sing!)

I’ve watched for countless springs
Graceful young things
     bounding on dancing feet
     and seeing them today
     makes me want to leap and play. 
(Can’t leap — arthritis!)

It’s long ago since I heard
A whip-poor-will
     whistlin’  away in the wood, 
     but I heard one today — 
     makes me want to whistle and play. 
(Can’t whistle–dentures!)

Yes, my throat is tight, 
And my knees are stiff, 
And my dentures rattle around a bit. 
But in my heart, oh how I can sing. 
How my spirit leaps,
How I laugh and spring! 

God, keep me whistling’ merry tunes
Remembering lovely distant Junes, 
Remembering birds
and flowers and fields
from the treasured harvest 
memory yields. 
       ~Sue C. Boynton

It is in savoring the sweetness and joy of life with gratitude that we are able to confront the difficult times and stand fast against the wiles of the devil! May your heart leap and sing and whistle whether from joyful memories or the actual experience of today!  

Pastor Mary