September 10th

It’s Friday and Sunday’s Comin’!

The Good Samaritan Inn is located on the road between Jerusalem and Jericho.  Tradition says (since Jerome in 385 AD) that this is the place to which Jesus was referring when he told the parable of the Good Samaritan.  

There are a lot of things that are important about this story, but one thing that is striking is that Jesus points out that the Good Samaritan used his own money to take care of the stranger who was left for dead on the side of the road. He doesn’t wait for someone else to come along and pay for it. 

I would imagine that a lot of people heard that story and thought, “wow, he’s talking about me! I would help someone if they needed help! I want to help!”  

Jesus seemed to know how important it is to our spiritual lives to give. There is a breakthrough that happens when we learn to give — we begin to notice amazing things that happen as a result of generosity. 

What amazing things have happened to you when you went out of your way to give?  

Blessings always, 
Pastor Mary

P.S.  SPEAKING OF GIVING — no one has signed up for the NUMY meal on Sept. 15 — the signup sheet is now at the Welcome Desk at the church. Suggested menu is breakfast for supper (eggs, pancakes, waffles) but the menu is really up to whoever prepares it. If you’d like to provide the meal that night, recruit a partner to help you!  Also, call the please call the church office or email David Phelps at  Thanks!