It’s Friday and Sunday’s Comin’!
Dear Friends,
It’s hard for me to believe that my long-awaited Clergy Renewal Leave is here! I look forward to welcoming Pastor David Hayes on Sunday as our interim pastor. At the same time I have to admit that suddenly three months seems like a long time! “Separation anxiety” is what Deb Beckinger calls it. It’s not that I think you can’t do without me — I’m fully confident that everything will be just fine and that the church will thrive because you are an amazing congregation devoted to loving God, loving one another and passing on that love to others.
But I am accustomed to being part of your lives and sharing in ministry with you and it will seem strange to not have that for three months. I will miss you!
Although I definitely have some things I will be ‘doing’, the goal of a sabbatical is to focus on ‘being’ — being present, being open to new experiences, being focused on family and self, being playful, being prayerful. I look forward to many moments of simply being present to the joy of God’s presence in simple pleasures; also time with Michael, my family and some old friends along the way. Thank you so much for this opportunity and for your support and encouragement that makes it happen.
Blessings always,
Pastor Mary