It’s Friday and Sunday’s Comin’!

Greetings from Interim Pastor David
As the solstice comes nearer and nearer, and our days grow shorter and shorter; we
find ourselves in the darkest days of the year. Yet, even as the days darken, we know
the tide is about to turn. Light will soon increase, and the days lengthen, and in the
months that follow, spring will once again push-up life all around us, and from the
soil beneath us.
This is hope: a stubborn holding-onto the promise of coming light and life, even
before winter deals us its worst.
Perhaps this is the reason why it is this time of year that the church has chosen to
celebrate the coming of Life and Light to us. What could be a better time to celebrate
the miracle of God becoming flesh?
And so, as I mentioned in my first advent message, let us together be the person and
presence of Jesus, welcoming vessels of his love and light, as we live our way
forward, toward Christmas. I look forward to seeing you each Sunday as we do so.
I want you to know that I am grateful to Pastor Mary, and to you, for trusting me
with this interim time of pastoral care and Sunday preaching. I don’t take the work,
nor the honor lightly.
Pastor David

About Tomorrow
This Sunday is a big day! Reverend In Suk Peebles will be our liturgist and will lead us in The Great Thanksgiving and Communion. I look forward to taking communion together with all of you again.
Please note, in order to take all safety precautions regarding Covid-19, the worship committee has asked that we not kneel at the altar rail. We all look forward to the day when we can begin again with normal communion procedure.
I look forward to sharing Sunday’s sermon, and to seeing all of us together again.
Be watching for information regarding a Sabbatical Seminar Series beginning mid January. We are planning a luncheon following worship (provided by the Lilly Endowment grant) and then training regarding small groups, their development and how they can strengthen the church.
See you Sunday!