It’s Friday and Sunday’s Comin’!
How is your prayer life? There’s a lot going on right now — the terrible events in Ukraine, disturbing things happening around us; for some illness, for others heartache. So prayer becomes essential (if it wasn’t already!).
Recently I discovered a book of 30 days of readings from St. Teresa of Avila, a 16th century contemplative nun, religious reformer and spiritual writer. Here’s one of the things she said about prayer:
“Prayer is the doorway through which God’s greatest gifts enter our soul. If this door is kept shut, I do not see how God can bestow these gifts; for even if God wishes to enter our soul, to take delight therein, and to make us also to delight, there is no way this can be done…
“If we want God to come to us, why would we fail to pray? …Why would we shut the door in the face of God? In return for a little effort on our part God gives us the help we need to bear our trials.
“Therefore when God plants in our soul a desire to pray, as unprepared as we might be, it is among the greatest of gifts. If we persevere, in spite of sins, temptations and relapses, our Lord will bring us at last to the harbor of salvation. Besides, God does not wait for the next life to reward our love, but begins to enrich us even here.[1]”
I hope you’ll share with me some of the discoveries that you receive through prayer.
Blessings always,
Pastor Mary