May 20th

It’s Friday and Sunday’s Comin’!

We Are Witnesses…

It’s Heritage Sunday this week — that’s why you’re seeing the picture above of John and Charles Wesley. We often say John Wesley founded the Methodist movement but really the two of them worked together. John was the preacher, organizer, fiery leader; Charles was the hymn-writer. Our hymnal has more than 50 hymns by Charles Wesley including “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing,” “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing,” “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling,” and “Christ the Lord is Risen Today.” 

Early Methodists were organized into societies and each society was organized with classes. Classes met once/week and the leader (1) asked each person to give an account of their soul, (2) advised, reproved, comforted and exhorted as was needed, and (3) collected the offering to give relief for the preachers, the church and the poor.  

We Are Witnesses — just as the early Methodists were witnesses to the saving power of the Gospel, so are we. We carry on the legacy of love and grace. We will celebrate the history of the church and our heritage as United Methodists.

Pastor Mary