June 10th

It’s Friday and Sunday’s Comin’!

Greetings from the Indiana Annual Conference. As we know, the Annual Conference is both an annual meeting, and it is the combined churches, lay people, clergy and ministries of United Methodists in Indiana! 

We are meeting at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana. This morning we heard an amazing Bible study on the theme “Love God, Love Neighbor” by Rev. Grace Imathiu and we’ve raised over $50,000 to support Afghani and Ukrainian refugees. As Denny Kubal says, “You go to your church on Sunday morning and kind of forget that we are connected with United Methodist Christians across the country and the world doing amazing things!”

Look for a fuller report during worship on June 19! 

Life in the Spirit — is our worship theme for June. What are the qualities of character that are signs of Life in the Spirit? I hope to see you on Sunday as we again receive new members!  

Blessings always, 
Pastor Mary

P.S. If you’d like to follow the decisions of the Annual Conference you can find them here: 