Aug 19th

This has been a joyful week — 

ChamberFest — what wonderful music and amazing performers. Such a joy to host this festival in our church. Thanks to all of you who provided hospitality with cookies, greeting, and a hospitable space. 

Human Rights Commission — congratulations to those who spoke out and signed petitions to encourage the adoption of an ordinance to establish a Human Rights Commission in Nashville. The ordinance was adopted at last night’s Town Council meeting. This commission can an important advocate for people whose rights are in jeopardy and a strong force for community engagement with issues of inclusion and welcome. 

Vision 2023 — How would you like to serve? If you’ve not already done so, begin to pray about the answer to that question for you.The  Lay Leadership and Nominating Committee met this week to work on the leadership plan for 2023. The Committee will share a list of ways that you can serve and activities that are currently happening as well as ways you’d like to serve that have not yet been identified. Pray about where God is leading you to serve in the coming year. 

It is a joy to be in ministry with you and to see God working through you in so many different ways! 

Grace and peace, 
Pastor Mary