Sept 2nd

Are these the Core Values that describe our church, that can challenge our church to be all that God calls us to be? Are these the core values that, when followed, will make it possible for us to accomplish our mission? 

Later this month the Church Council will address the questions above. They’d love to hear from you about your response to the core values as we have talked about them in worship over the last few weeks.  

if you have a comment, an affirmation, a question or some aspect of the values you’d like considered or reconsidered,  send your response to Heather Mollo (Church Council Chairperson) at or Jack Wescott (Lay Leader) at or myself at or talk to a member of the Church Council in person. *********
I had a delightful vacation — drove about 2200 miles, saw all four of our children and visited two of them in their new abodes (son Jamie and his wife Fanny and daughter Hannah and her partner Abel all live in Philadelphia), took a lovely 8-mile bike ride on a trail along the Youghiogheny River in southwest Pennsylvania (George Washington described it as unnavigable but today it has lots of rafters and kayakers) and saw Kentuck Knob (a Frank Lloyd Wright house) and the Flight 93 Memorial of 9/11. My niece’s wedding was beautiful — her dog was the ring bearer — and I picked up the handbells in Plumsteadville, PA for their trip home. As always, it’s good to be home. 

I know it was great to have David Hayes preaching — I listened in and was inspired in my thinking about Building Bold Community and it was delightful to hear Heather Narducci sing. As always I appreciate Tammera and all those who make worship possible in my absence. 

I hope to see you Sunday as we begin a new series: Having Words with Jesus! 

Grace and peace, 

Pastor Mary