There’s a lot that happens outside my office window.
Milkweed grows there for one thing — that wonderful food for monarch butterflies. Someone called Josh in the church office with a request about harvesting the milkweed for some purpose. That’s not a question I know how to answer, but isn’t it interesting that the plant was noticed?
Today two ladies were admiring the beautiful purple asters along the drive. They stopped and had a conversation about them. So many people wander down that alley. Today it was Averi and Owen Bohbrink and Jenny Johnson; Nancy and Gary Manning were out there, too. There was a dad with his toddler; moms with strollers; and the lots of girlfriend groups who’ve come to town. Even a trio of college students paused to admire the flowers.
There’s a lot that goes on outside most of our windows, and it’s good to take a breath to enjoy the activity — to appreciate what God is doing while we just stop to take a moment of rest. One of my favorite verses is when Jesus comments (Matthew 6:25, 28-29):
There I tell you, do not worry about your life…is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? …Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.
There’s much over which we have no control, but I can pause and be thankful for the day, the beauty, the friends and even for the presence of people who are just outside enjoying their day.
What’s outside your window?
Grace and peace,
Pastor Mary