December 2nd

What are the important things? 

A young mom called requesting some assistance from our Open Hands fund — she needed a fuel gift card to help her get to work at a new job. I suggested a time for her to come by and she said no. Her child would get home on the bus and she had to be there. She knew her first priority and knew her child couldn’t wait. 

Some things can’t wait because they are vital to the well-being of our families, our community, the world. So we have to ask ourselves, “what really matters?”

The season of Advent is a time of waiting and anticipating. It’s  a time to sort out what is worth waiting for and it is a time to act on behalf of those the things that are most important. It is a time of prayerfully discerning what is most important and what God is asking of you. 

May this be a holy season of waiting and not waiting to be ready for the coming of Christ. 


Thanks also to Ruthann Bailey and Jan Greenlee for the great organizational effort for Hanging of the Greens and to the Worship Committee and everyone who helped. It all went smoothly and the building and grounds are beautiful. 

Thank you to Tammera Lane, our Director of Music, and to Andrew Eden, Bell Choir Director, and to all of the members of the choir and the Crystal Ringers for the extra effort and practice that goes in to creating the beautiful music during Advent and the Christmas season.

You are much appreciated!! 

Grace and peace, 

Pastor Mary