It’s the 7th day of Christmas and the eve of the New Year!
I’ve always enjoyed the Twelve Days of Christmas — you know, ladies dancing, lords ‘a leaping, swans a’swimming, 5 gold rings and a partridge in a pear tree… but I’ve never been quite able to keep Christmas going the full twelve days until Epiphany on January 6. It’s not really our tradition in the U.S. Instead we’re ready to put things away and get started on the new year.
This week Jenny Endicott sent me a photo of the poster she used to hang in her classroom at school that beautifully captures the time of transition from Christmas celebrations to the work at hand:

As you begin this new year may you know a powerful sense of thanksgiving for the sweetness of life and a renewed resolve to bring Christ’s light to the world.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Mary