December 9th

Our devotional guide for Advent is a good mix of scripture, reflection about the scripture, art and personal interaction with the material through writing and coloring.  If you haven’t picked up a copy of the booklet yet, it’s not too late. They’re on a table in the church narthex.

One of the week’s scripture readings is from Isaiah 11 and the artwork provided is the picture above. The author writes: 

When reading this poetry of peace, I found myself pausing at the line, “and a child shall lead them” (Is. 11:6).

The example of Naomi Wadler came to mind. After the Parkland, FL, school shooting,Naomi, an eleven-year-old at the time, organized a walkout at her elementary school to honor victims of gun violence. In addition to those slain in Parkland, Naomi and her fifth grade classmates also recognized people of color who are killed by gun violence every day and never make news headlines. Naomi went on to speak courageously before crowds in DC and on TV shows about the need for gun reform. When she spoke, she held the nation—and much of the world—captive with her passion, her insight, and her urgency.

Where is new life shooting up? Perhaps in the places where God can’t wait for peace. Perhaps in the voices of our children, who urge us to find a better way.
                                                 —Lisle Gwynn Garrity

Think of the last time you allowed yourself to be led by a child or a younger person. What was that like for you? Making a conscious decision to be led by someone else — especially by someone 2 or 3 generations younger is often scary. And yet each generation yields leadership to the next. There is a kind of peace which comes with saying, “I trust you. I trust your judgment. I trust your hopefulness.”  And a little child shall lead them. 

Grace and peace, 
Pastor Mary