So I almost forget to send out “It’s Friday but Sunday’s Comin!” because I’ve been busy this week getting ready to show the Ice’s the parsonage.
(You might have noticed that it’s actually Saturday when you receive this!)
Today I had the pleasure of showing the parsonage to the new pastor Roy Ice, his wife Lauren and their son Kaleb. It was fun to catch up with them again because we haven’t seen each other in awhile, and it was fun to show them the beautiful parsonage. Unfortunately, Kaleb thought that my cats, Lil Karl and Tonks, might come with the parsonage and I had to tell him “no.” It’s a good thing Michael was not at home because he might have said “yes”!
We have so enjoyed living in the parsonage, and we will have many mixed feelings as we prepare to move out. You (the church) did a great job in creating a wonderful place for pastors and their families to call home. I’m confident that the Ices will also enjoy it very much, and I’m guessing the neighborhood will delight in having an 11-year-old around, watching him finish growing up!
The house does look pretty good right now — if anyone has not seen it, stop by quick while it’s still organized! I even let them look in the closets!
Lent is a season for focusing on what is most important. Gratitude for what we are given, pruning away what needs to be thrown away and being open to the gift of new life in Christ which comes even when times are hard or unexpected changes come along. It is always amazing to see what God will do.
In Christ,
Pastor Mary