Stewardship doesn’t relate only to today or even this year; stewardship is a lifelong process.
The quote above comes from the United Methodist Foundation of Indiana, and it undergirds the importance of preparing for future ministry with planned resources.
To that end the meeting of Church Council on May 30 will be a special called Charge Conference to consider and set up an Endowment Fund for NUMC. As is noted in the front page article of today’s newsletter, the Endowment Fund would provide for the long-term investment of designated funds with the annual interest or dividends being used for NUMC-elected projects in the areas of worship, missions and facilities. These funds are not used for annual operating expenses but for special projects or needs.
If you’d like to know more, be sure to check out today’s edition of The Voice on the Village Green. Also, draft copies of the proposal are available in the narthex. This matter will come before the church at a special called Charge Conference on Tuesday, May 30 at 6:00 p.m. All are welcome.