October 27

Roy’s Ramblings

This Sunday is the final Sunday in our four part Stewardship Sermon Series. The first week we heard about how we should start everything in prayer. I pray that you have been praying about what you can offer your church and what you can ultimately give to your church. The second week we discussed participation. Showing up to things actually matters. Helping with mission and ministry, attending small groups and Bible studies, being fully present on Sunday mornings, all of it is so very important. Then in week three we discussed using our talents for the glory of God. Every single one of us has a talent that we excel in performing … and if we do not use that talent we will start to get less accomplished in it. God has blessed us with abilities that we are called to use to: bring others to Christ, help others, lead and teach others, and ultimately bless others. We need to use it or lose it.

So, this brings us to this coming Sunday. The finale of this series … Giving. What do we give? How do we give? How often? How much? These are important questions. And that is what the sermon will cover this week. Have you been praying about it? I know I have. To help you out a copy of the Pledge Card is included in this email. There is a line about General Budget Giving. This is the tithes, gifts and offerings I talk about every Sunday as the ushers bring the offering plates forward. Tithes – 10% of all we own (or in modern times our income) … Gifts – money that we give above a 10% tithe (special collection for UMCOR, Habitat, a new roof, etc.) – Offerings – things that we give (flood buckets, prayer blankets, canned goods, etc.) All of these reflect the mission and ministry of the church. Day to day expenses that are needed to keep the church open and running smoothly.

The other line on the pledge card is for Endowment Giving. This is something new here at Nashville UMC. This giving is to provide a permanent endowment of financial support. Income from the Endowment Fund is going to be used to help accomplish the ministry and mission of the Nashville United Methodist Church for years and generations to come. These funds are not part of the established general budget that is supported by the tithes and offerings of regular giving. So at church we will fill out our pledge card and bring it to the altar and ultimately to God. This will be our commitment for 2024. Then after church don’t forget that we will be having a celebratory meal (it actually is our regular fifth Sunday dinner) of our commitment to church, ministry, and God!!!

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing,

– Pastor Roy