Roy’s Ramblings
This coming Sunday is full of opportunities and fun. First, at 9am a crew, The Basement Bunch and others, will be gathering together to put all the final touches on the Thanksgiving Meal we will all share after the morning service. If anyone would like to help … many hands make light work. Also, if you haven’t been asked to bring something specific … there is always room for another side, salad, or dessert. The Small Group that meets every Sunday will also be in the Green Room talking about book banning and the aspects associated with it.
Then at 10:30 am our regular service starts. This too will have a lot going on. We will be rededicating the Triptych in the front of the sanctuary with Jim Tichenor and Lisa Thompson telling history, uses, and significance of it; as well as hearing from our Chrystal Ringers, Chancel Choir, and NUMC Ensemble, the theme of the day – Thank God.
Then, remember that Thanksgiving Meal I mentioned earlier? Yup, it happens right after the service ends. We will let our Guests of Honor, Carol Page and family (descendants of Earl Page, the artist behind the Triptych), lead us down to the feast where we will enjoy food, fellowship, and festivities. The folks of the Green Room Small Group have volunteered to do the clean up after all is eaten and done, but could always use a helping hand if anyone would like to stay and be a blessing.
Then we were going to have a Fall Hymn sing Sunday evening, but due to some unfortunate circumstances it will need to be postponed until the Spring, but I think our day will still be fairly full and satisfying.
I’m not sure how this is ramblings … instead I feel that I am reporting the news. But, I guess sometimes it is a little more important to let folks know what is actually going on instead of being cute and quirky. By the way … This is an “Invite Everyone You Know Event” … So … Invite Everyone You Know!!!! See You There!! And, I got dibs on one of those deviled eggs!!
Love, Blessings, and Thanksgiving.
-Pastor Roy