December 1

Roy’s Ramblings

So it looks as if December is upon us – family gatherings, sending cards, hanging decorations, exchanging gifts, winter starting, and even the possibility of some snow; yes December has come. This means so much for our community and our church – we could help with the Salvation Army by ringing bells or helping with the toy distribution, we could help with the stuff a stocking with the Community Foundation, we can always volunteer at/or give to: Mother’s Cupboard, St. Vincent de Paul, the humane society, the library, Habitat, Lions, Rotary, the Schools, etc. (I know I’m missing some, but I’m still officially “The New Pastor”); and I just got an email asking that we give wrapped presents to the Brown County Health and Living, because you aren’t ever too old to love to unwrap a gift.

The opportunities are endless, because there are other things that are all about December that you can just attend as well. The Christmas Auction, The Light Parade, Luminaries along the trail (if you go to this one see if you can find the luminaries that our church sponsored), Christkindl Market, Hog Wild Christmas Bazaar, A Christmas Story at Brown County Playhouse, and you can even have Breakfast with Santa at the Abe Martin Lodge.

Then we come to the happenings here at our own church, we have hung the greens, we have Women In Faith, Advent Worship services with candles and readings, specials with the bells, choir, and ensemble, Sunshine Friends, Youth Group, Christmas Eve evening service starting at 6:30pm and so much more.

I’m already tired before any of it has started. And so with all of this being said (well, written) I want to encourage each and every one of you to live into the season. Do not get stressed over happenings, or expectations, or all of the glitz and glitter. Do find time to reflect, listen to some Christmas Carols, and relax. Know that the season is all about the preparation and celebration of the birth of the Savior and not about who got the biggest or brightest present. Look toward the Hope, the Peace, the Joy and the Love of the season and Blessings found there.

Happy and Merry December All – And May we All Be Blessed

~ Pastor Roy