Roy’s Ramblings
Roy’s Ramblings
This is the third week of Advent where we light the candle of Joy. Many times we confuse Joy and Happiness. Happiness brings us a sense of pleasure for a moment or short amount of time. For example: the smell of fresh baked bread brings me happiness, the first time using a brand new tube of tooth paste brings me happiness, bacon …. er …. well that one could go either way. Joy on the other hand is a state of being, a mindset, a lifestyle if you will. Joy is a deep blissful feeling of pleasure that lasts for a great while. Things that possibly bring us joy: our spouse, our children and grandchildren, our career, our church family, bacon (see that one can go either way).
In the Scripture reading this week – Luke 2:15-20 – we hear the story of the angels coming to the shepherds telling them of the birth of Jesus and they quickly go to see – they talk with Mary and she: “treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart”. She was in a state of Joy. She was still surrounded by fear, unrest, the unknown, and uncertainty … but she was filled with Joy.
During this season we find ourselves too busy, over committed, stressed, depressed, fearful, and all the rest. But, we also have the opportunity to find Joy. So this Sunday as we light the candle of Joy, let us do so as we search, treasure and ponder the mysteries of Christmas.
Blessings and Joy to You and Yours
-Pastor Roy