December 22

Roy’s Ramblings

Christmas is coming are you ready? Is it just me or does it seem like time is speeding up? I mean wasn’t December 1st just a couple of days ago? This month has flown by and yet there is still so much to get done and ready. I still have several gifts to buy and wrap, there are still Christmas cookies to be made, final preparations for the two services this Sunday, parties, gatherings, family coming … oh my!!

            And yet, even though it is 50 degrees outside, it still feels like Christmas. As I walk around town visiting shops and shopkeepers, looking at the lights and decorations, talking and visiting with visitors and tourists, there is a Christmas Spirit of Joy and well being.

            Oh, I know we have many folks with pain and sorrow this time of year, I see that as I walk the halls of the assisted living, as I pray for folks that are still going through tough times and loss, as I myself deal with my own grief, pain and past. I feel that too.

            But, I know that God is with us (the true meaning of Emmanuel). I know that the Love of God is truly present no matter if we give/receive that perfect store bought present. I know that we as a family in the Kingdom of God have each other that we rely on, pray for, and love. I know the true Christmas Sprit is alive and well.

            So, I encourage each of us to breathe in and breathe out (repeating as necessary) and enjoy. Enjoy, watching the Christmas classics on TV, whether that is Linus telling us what Christmas is all about … or Bing singing about having a White Christmas. Enjoy hearing Grandpa Jones telling us about Conrad and his Christmas Guest. Enjoy the gathering of family and friends and the eating of the Christmas Beast. And, if you are alone on Christmas Day and want to be a part of a dysfunctional, crazy, whack-a-doodle group … come on by the Parsonage (215 Pine Hills Dr) and hang out at the Ice House. We always have too much food and an extra place at the table.

Bless You my friends and may we all have a Very Merry Christmas !! – Pastor Roy