Roy’s Ramblings
This Sunday we will be looking at Ephesians 6:10-20 – where Paul talks about the armor of God. Yes, I could break down each piece of armor and what Paul calls it and what that actually is … yadda, yadda, yadda. That would make a great Bible study. But, I usually look at things a little bit differently and so on this too I will take the path less traveled.
In medieval battles warriors (knights) would prepare; sometimes days before the battle. They would get their armor repaired, get food and supplies ready, horse or other transportation ready, henchmen and other lesser fighters equipped and ready, and then go into battle. During all of this preparation time they would have a small entourage of people/attendants that were doing most of the work as well.
So this brings me back to modern day church – and this question … Are we ready?
Ready??? You may ask. Ready for what??
We have guests and visitors almost every Sunday at church … are we ready for them? Do we great them without over doing it? Do we welcome them, show them around, engage them in Worship?
What about outside the church? What if a stranger asks about church, or God, or faith, or ministry? Are we ready to tell our story; listen to them; instruct them; guide them; walk with them; invite them; love on them?? Are we ready to commit to a relationship with them as friend, guide, shepherd? Are we ready to answer questions – or even better yet – struggle with them for answers?
And finally are we ready with our own faith/beliefs/ministry/salvation? Have you read/studied/prayed/prepared? Have you asked the right questions and then struggled with the answers? Have you found a relationship with a mentor/shepherd/friend? So many times I have seen good Christians worry so much about everyone else that they forget to take the time for themselves.
So I leave you with this: If you aren’t ready … Get Ready! If you are ready … then Go! Go find the other and make a difference. Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for that one person.
Love and Blessings All – Pastor Roy