August 9

Roy’s Ramblings

So this past week, Brown County Schools started back and students (prepared or not) came back to those halls of knowledge to laugh, to learn, and to get back into the swing of things. I popped in to visit a teacher or two and to pray for the students and staff of each building around the county. I saw a few students that looked lost as they were starting the new year in a new building, but then right beside them were some “veterans” that couldn’t wait to help them find their way. It is a true reminder that Summer is coming to an end and that Fall is right around the corner.

Here at church we are starting to feel the same thing. Attendance is on the rise as Summer vacations are ending … Bell and Choir Practice is starting at the end of the month … and the smell of FallFare is in the air. Yup, we are definitely in the change of seasons.

So, I felt that this is a great time to refresh our memories – the mission of the church is to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World – and our Vision here at Nashville UMC is to Love God, Love All, and to Serve Joyfully. We make disciples by inviting folks, getting into relationships with them, and then side by side we learn about God, Faith, and the Kingdom. We change the world by our actions and our involvement in ministry around the community and around the world. And we do all of this through Loving God with our whole heart, mind, and soul. Loving All people (those just like us and those that aren’t). And, serving Joyfully! This means smiling, laughing, having fun, enjoying new people and new ministries, and just like in the schools, guiding new Christians as the Veterans we are.

So as changes are happening … I encourage you to: Invite new folks to come along, Participate in Ministry (inside and outside of the building), and to exude the Spirit of God in every possible way. Yup – times are changing!! Lets get Busy!!

Lord, Bless Us All – Pastor Roy