Roy’s Ramblings
Maybe I should listen to a different radio station … this week the “oldies” station has played several songs that have me thinking about life and how short it truly is. First, I heard John Lennon singing “Beautiful Boy”. Made me think of when Kaleb was born 13 years ago. How proud I was of being a brand new Dad … had pics of him on my phone, told everyone size, weight, etc. But then Lennon go to the line: Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. And I stopped in my tracks. 13 YEARS!!!!! Seems like yesterday.
Then the next day I hear: Harry Chapin singing “Cat’s in the Cradle”. Reminded me of my own father; he provided for us, he worked hard to build the house that he and my mom still live in; he sacrificed … but he missed so much of my childhood. I swore that I would be there for Kaleb as much as I could. First words, first steps, sports, plays, school, whatever came along … I’d be there. Well, I’ve missed stuff … It happens. Meetings, funerals, weddings, retreats … sometimes I have to be gone (we all do) and so … life goes on.
This week I want to let you know that God is proud of you. Are we perfect?? Oh, heavens no – we goof – we miss – we could always have done better. But, we have done the best we could with what we have. God knows our limits and our capabilities – God knows our hearts as well as our spirits – God knows …
So don’t be like me and beat yourself up for not being perfect – don’t focus on the targets missed … focus on the bullseye’s (or even on the shots that come close). Focus on the successes in your life and remember the great times. Celebrate the time spent with loved ones that have made a difference to them and to you and know that God has been there through it all.
Sometimes a song, a smell, a sound, a word, or even a sight will trigger a memory of sometime in the past. Remember and move on to make more memories, to make a difference to someone, to accomplish great things for the Kingdom of God. And someday we will all hear those words: Well Done Good and Faithful Servant!!
By the way – later in the song -Lennon says these words: Before you go to sleep, Say a little prayer, Everyday, in every way. It’s getting better and better.
Bless You All – As we get Better and Better -Pastor Roy