Roy’s Ramblings
This coming Sunday we welcome Manet Shettle, president of Heartland Methodist Foundation, to bring us our message. Her message to us will be titled: “Perspectives: A Matter of the Heart” and will be based on two parts of Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 and Deuteronomy 15:10-11. The message is really the heart of stewardship being our relationship with God and our response to God’s call in our lives. Worship will be as usual, but Manet will be staying for a period after the church service, for those that want to stay, to discuss planned giving including our endowment fund we have here at Nashville UMC.
Also this Sunday will be the first Sunday back for our Chancel Choir, we will be getting an update on preparations for Fall Fare, (there is still plenty of places to sign up to help), you can come see the amazing work that a crew did on adding mulch to our playground as well as around the building, you can attend one of our Sunday School classes, or (as always) you can come to bring joy to someone by simply sitting with them in church and enjoying the service together.
As Always – Be Blessed my friends … so that you may be a Blessing to others. – Pastor Roy