January 31

Roy’s Ramblings

Stress, Fear, Anger, Worry – all of these have very negative effects on a body. And, when the body is compromised – and one goes to a museum filled with snotty/coughing/sick children – one ends up with the flu.

So here we are day four and my fever has finally broken and I feel somewhat human again. This one is rough, at least I’m not freezing anymore and I’m not sure when the coughing will stop – but I did get four hours of sleep last night. In my time of just trying to survive this past week I have had lots of time to think and reflect. This is something that we sometimes put on the back burner. We are so geared toward moving forward, working to deadlines, getting the stuff done, taking care of business … that we miss the “Be Still and Know I am God”.

So here are just some reflections (now keep in mind that I am still under heavy medication so these may or may not be profound). First, if we do not make time to rest and relax our bodies will do it for us. If we stay stressed all the time we are asking for high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke – or maybe before we get to that level of severity … acid reflux, ulcers, other digestive issues. Take a time out, read a book, take a walk, visit a friend, work on a hobby … do something to relax and unwind. Second, we worry and stress over things that are out of our control … or plan on how to handle situation that never come to be. I cannot count the number of scenarios that I have played in my head on “If they say this … then I’ll say that” or “If they do this … then I’ll do that”. And then get mad because it doesn’t happen and I don’t get to use my storehouse of ammunition. Or … in the best Elsa singing voice from the movie Frozen … Let It Go!!! We do not need to attend every argument/problem/issue that we are invited to. Sometimes it truly is someone else’s circus and monkeys. And Third, I mentioned this last week at the close of worship – and God made me do it this week with illness – turn off the news – get off Facebook – focus on family, friends, neighbors, community, etc. Sometimes we get brainwashed by the biases of others and the repetition of it. Growing up I remember that there was the 5am and 6am news (the 6am was just a repeat of the 5am) and there was the 10pm and 11pm news (and again 11pm was just 10pm played a second time). Thats it. Basically two hours of news a day – baring any emergency interruptions – that was enough. There just isn’t enough in the world to report on 24 hours per day.

So, I pray that you all stay well. I think that the Ice family is on the road to recovery (yup all three of us had this stuff) and I look forward to getting back in the saddle.

Stay Healthy My Friends – Pastor Roy