Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent — February 26. We will gather for worship on Ash Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Use the lead up to get ready for Ash Wednesday. What is an area of your life that needs attention? What needs renewal or vitality? How is God working on you to get you to pay attention? You won’t be asked to share that concern aloud to others — just bring it and offer it up to God.
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Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety
On January 27th at 2:00 p.m. we are hosting...Learn more about the Bible
How did we get the Bible? What does it mean when...Wednesdays! – LISTENING PRAYER
Praying the Scriptures -- also called Lectio...Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
I promised to send the Week of Prayer for... - The Voice Newsletters
Roy’s Ramblings
February 14
Roy's Ramblings Happy Valentines Day! A...February 7
Roy's Ramblings This coming Sunday is...
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