What's going on at Nashville UMC

14 Feb

Roy's Ramblings Happy Valentines Day! A day for lovers to show their feelings toward another with: chocolate, flowers, and jewelry … or it is a day...

07 Feb

Roy's Ramblings This coming Sunday is Scout Sunday - a service where we celebrate all things scouting. We will have young people serving as greeters,...

31 Jan

Roy's Ramblings Stress, Fear, Anger, Worry - all of these have very negative effects on a body. And, when the body is compromised - and one goes to a...

24 Jan

Roy's Ramblings “Being a United Methodist is as Easy as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5” Sometimes I think we make it too hard to understand.  We throw around words...

17 Jan

Roy's Ramblings The United Methodist church is known for many things. It is known for its willingness to help others - UMCOR, Hospitals, Food Pantries,...

10 Jan

Roy's Ramblings There is a scene in the movie White Christmas where the four main characters (Bing, Danny, Rosemary, and Vera-Ellen) are on a train to New...

20 Dec

Roy's Ramblings Christmas is coming are you ready? Is it just me or does it seem like time is speeding up? I mean wasn’t December 1st just a couple of...

13 Dec

Roy's Ramblings This Sunday is the third Sunday in Advent - The Sunday Of JOY!!! We light the rose colored candle this week - you say it is pink?? Nope -...
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