Opportunities to Serve
Find another way to get involved with the church and community
We believe God is calling us to share God’s love with others. Engaging in the practice of serving others is important to our faith. If you’d like to be involved, call the church office at 812-988-4666 or email the office at nashvillemetho@sbcglobal.net.
- Mother’s Cupboard — 364 days/year Mother’s Cupboard serves hot take-out meals to anyone who needs one. NUMC has two cooking/serving teams — 4th Tuesdays and 4th Saturdays. Join a team or start a new team and help make sure no one in Brown County goes hungry.
- Children’s Ministry — Young Disciples gather each Sunday to learn and grow in faith. Volunteers help with drama presentations, substitute teaching, craft preparations and more. Ask for Amanda Middletonl, Director of Children’s Ministry, for more information.
- Backpack Ministry — Sure, young people are fed a good lunch every weekday. But some go hungry on the weekends. Backpack Ministry sends home a backpack of food every Friday in several area schools. Ask for Linda Todd or Jan Swigert when you call to join the team.
- Hospitality Team — Everyone is asked to participate in a Hospitality Team. Each team serves as greeters, ushers, Fellowship Time snack providers and other areas of Sunday morning hospitality, and each team serves for two months each year.
- Provide a meal for NUMY — Nashville United Methodist Youth! They meet every Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. Contact Youth Director, David Phelps to sign up for a date.
- Worship Team — would you like to read scripture, sing a solo, share with the Young Disciples, serve as Communion Steward, be part of a team planning worship? Contact Pastor Mary.